This was one of the most interesting projects we have done. We considered diamonds but apparently had to go with its more challenging relative- the starburst! We really had to think about how to make all sides of the starburst diamond even and then recreate it on a second door! So we painted doors white; easy- 2 coats later and it was ready.

For the starburst we measured our doors, decided on size and used a hard plastic board and put small nails to line up our shape, tied twine around them, traced the rounded line, are you still with me?

THEN cut it out !!
Trust me, I tried free handing it and it looked a mess, so this was the only way. Thankfully because of the desired symmetry I only had to do this once. Frazer cut out the piece and then I placed it on the closet and penciled it in, followed by painting the traced line.

The only thing more nerve racking then painting this was having to paint it for the second time. So 2 coats later and a lot of intense concentration and voilà!

Kaitlyn and Frazer are retro revival DIY'ers who also own and run Good As Old in Peterborough Ontario Canada.