So our DIY Garage door the only thing we really knew was that we wanted to stick with our outdoor colours; yellow or aqua. However, we did not really want them mixed so closely together. We doodled (hehe, I said 'doodle') out a number of ideas with colour options but eventually landed on the layered diamonds, because we love playing around with geometrics in designs and diamonds are an easy favourite.

The different shades of blue allowed us to introduce some forgiveness and acceptance of additional outdoor items that may be different shades than our original pale yellow and blue, matchy-matchy is important right!? Once the idea was decided the only thing stopping us was weather.

We taped off our diamonds first, painted them in. The bumps in the garage door were a bit of a pain to get over, but we managed to pull off straight lines!

Then taped newspaper over the diamonds so we could spray paint the background a darker blue. We did it in this order so we didn’t use a ton of spray paint($$$) and so we did not have to paint a lighter blue over a darker one, paint science! Then we taped off smaller diamonds using large plastic bags to make sure none of our previous work was affected by the third colour of spray paint. And boom- diamond door!
I would like to add that this was done over a span of a week and a bit with our temperamental weather and all the while dealing with a close by hornets nest.
Did not die.

Kaitlyn and Frazer are retro revival DIY'ers who also own and run Good As Old in Peterborough Ontario Canada.