The first step to addressing bullying in our schools, in our workplaces, in our social situations and even in our home is for YOU to agree to take action. A powerful way to encourage anyone to take action is to watch Bully The Documentary. For the next 2 weeks, BULLY is available to stream for free on ABC iView. We encourage you to use this opportunity as Principals, as teachers, as parents, as employers, as employees and as a decent human being to take the time in educating yourself on bullying, starting with this documentary.
I personally encourage you to encourage others to do so too.
BULLY is available to stream until 4th April 2017. Bully, A documentary that needs to be watched by everybody, and anybody. For School teachers, for mothers and fathers, for students (of all ages), for employers, for employees.
Let's not sit by and watch our children and our children's children become statistics of bullying. Let's not sit by and watch our mothers, our fathers and our friends become statistics of bullying, statistics that can lead to devastating outcomes such as depression, self harm and god forbid, even suicide. Let's get educated on bullies, let's see the signs and stand up to bullying personalities, let's stand up for the little guy and in doing this you may just save a life, and that life could be yours, or mine.
There is no doubt that BULLY, the documentary is a heart-wrenching story to watch, but we know that most people after watching will have an increased empathy towards those who are being bullied. We know that people with higher empathy are less likely to bully others. We also know that young people who have seen the documentary BULLY are more likely to ask for help and seek help for others. That's why I encourage YOU (all of you) to use BULLY as a catalyst for change in your school or community, your workplace, your social surroundings.
I ask you to encourage all of the Principals, Teachers and School Administrators that you know to watch BULLY and consider how they can use it to help change the culture in their school, in their workplace and even their social situations.
I also ask you to encourage ALL the parents that you know to watch BULLY with their children to open up the lines of communication and support.
Too many young people across Australia and the world still don't seek help because they believe nothing will happen, and in doing so, it could make things worse.
This needs to change now.
As a survivor of depression due to workplace bullying I urge all and any humans to please spend this time to view this documentary - it's important - it will help educate you on seeing the signs of bullying, to stand up, to speak out, to stand up for the little guy and not allow them to become a statistic. Mel (Pearl Davies)

The full length feature is rated M and contains issues around suicide and gun violence. The stories are quite harrowing so we don't recommend for this version to be used with young people unless that decision has been made by the Principal or parents and a lot of support is available throughout and post-screening.

There is a version of BULLY for Younger Audiences which doesn't include stories about suicide or gun violence. This is the version that we recommend to use within Australian schools. This version is available in the Educator's Toolkit.

The Bully Project has worked with Health & Wellbeing Education expert Sarah Jackson (Jacko Consultancy), who has identified short clips within BULLY for Younger Audiences and used these as the centerpiece for lesson plans and ideas for two Health & Physical Education modules for years 7 & 8 and 9 & 10. These are available in the Educator's Toolkit.
Sarah Jackson has also mapped the entire Toolkit to the National Safe School Framework and extracted clips and teacher professional learning discussion topics that align with AITSL standards, also available in the Educator's Toolkit.

We recommend that all teachers develop their skills and knowledge of bullying and social and emotional learning. The Educator's Toolkit provides numerous video and written materials and exercises to support teachers with this.

Please understand that BULLY focuses mainly on school yard bullying, and it's used as a conversation starter to place an emphasis on cyber-safety as well, and have lesson plans dedicated to this and the PROJECT ROCKIT Hypotheticals Pack.

Although the film focuses on U.S. stories, we know that it resonates with children across the globe. The student-led school project ideas facilitate and encourage students to create their own campaigns and initiatives that reflect how bullying affects them and how they can be UPSTANDERS and create a safe and inclusive culture within their school and community.

Available until 10PM 4th April 2017. If you would like to become a BULLY Project School you can get the Australian Edition of the Educators Toolkit here.

The Australian edition of The BULLY Project Educator’s DVD and Toolkit, is packed with social and emotional learning tools and resources to help you prevent bullying and create a more caring, respectful community.

New Aussie content includes activities and lesson plans mapped to the Australian Curriculum for Years 7-10, as well as mapping to the National Safe Schools Framework and AITSL standards. We’ve also partnered with Adobe, ACMI, PROJECT ROCKIT and FYA’s Propeller Project to present a blockbuster suite of initiatives for the whole school to get involved with and create a generation of Upstanders!
Let's Get Educated...

Let's Stand Up, Speak Out!

Let's Stand Up for the Little Guy

...and let's not allow them to become a Statistic