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About real name is mel, just plain ol' mel most favoritest quote ever,

like, ever

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has..." 

- Margaret Mead

...possibly the most visually disturbing thing
I've ever created - ever!

I like music a whole lot. Daddy is a muso and he's awesome!

...i actually had real life dresses like this for my wedding, made by Lindy Bop, - seriously...

I'm a survivor of severe bullying. Lets get educated, stand up for the little guy and say no to bullies

For our American Tour Campaign March 2015.
Captain America, he doesn't like bullies either...(you rule man!)

I'm a sock drawer of interests, a bit of a mix.


I have been writing and photographing ladies and gentlemen, artists, entertainers and global humanitarian case studies since 2008. I have an "Any Shape, Any Colour, Any Size" moto for my vintage pinup and boudoir photography and is a proud supporter of the #effyourbeautystandards motto.

From 2008 I wrote for local and not so local music entertainment street press magazines Reverb, Beat Magazine. I also worked within the Music Industry in the USA from talent buying with budgets over US $1 Million, contract management, marketing of shows/festivals to day of show production. I love the music industry so much I graduated a 4.0GPA with Berklee College of Music in Boston Massachusetts - where the best music alumni went. I was stoked to have worked with many artists in the US including Melissa Ethridge, Pat Benatar, Otis Redding Jnr, The Beachboys, Smashmouth, Boz Scaggs, Sheryl Crow and more.


Now that I'm back in my home town of Newcastle Australia I set to open my own creative space, The Atomic Hideaway. The Atomic Hideaway will be utilised as a multi-purpose dwelling including but not limited to a retro revival themed short stay accommodation, my Pearl Davies Photography Studio, a creative space rental for other creatives and a greenroom for touring artists.


I am an anti-bully activist and continue to write as an advocate for both national and international publications. Bullying occurs everywhere and at every age. Unfortunately we may never eradicate bullying but through education and appropriate awareness we can assist the effort to minimise the effects of bullying including depression and suicide. If you see something, stand up and say something, and stand up for the little guy.



I'm an active contributor to many not for profit organisations such as the International Rotary Foundation, travelling abroad to Papua New Guinea two years running to help support, deliver and document a ten year running project in the effort to help and assist small village communities. It was here I assisted in the delivery of several babies, and even having the honour of her first delivered child named in my honour.



Together with family and friends (as well as strangers) we raised nearly AU$7,000 for the Leukemia Foundation during my Shave for a Cure Campaign. A number of us our hair but others just don't get that choice.



I have also been sponsoring two children with World Vision Australia since coming of age and has seen the prospects such organisations give to those in need.



In America I signed up to Look Good Feel Better, and intuitive to help woman suffering with an array of Cancers to Look Good, and in time, feel better. Pearl is now a financial contributor to St. Judes Childrens Hospital. A hospital that treats children with illness and where the families of these children never receive a bill.



Whilst in the United States also Pearl is also signed upto the Big Brother/Big Sister of America program. By helping children develop supportive relationships with positive role models will make a direct and lasting difference in their lives.


Pearl has been writing for entertainment print press media press since 2008 and has been interviewing and doing case studies within the music industry and performing arts since 2010. In 2014 Pearl studied marketing within the music industry and conducted an underground survey targeted at those in the industry. After an amazing 3,000+ responses from those aligning the East Coast of Australia industry got a good insight on what artists needs are in becoming successful musicians. In America, Pearl was accepted into the Berklee College of Music based in Boston Massecuites and graduated (twice!) with a 4.0GPA in music business marketing. Whilst doing this Pearl worked for a popular venue marketing their music shows who do 2-4 shows a day, 7 days a week. She currently does work with a prominent American Music Festival and Concert Production company working with the world's most popular acts. Just a few of Pearl's favorites that her company has worked with are: Willie Nelson, The Indigo Girls, Melissa Ethridge, Pat Benatar, The Beach Boys, Everclear, Barenaked Ladies, The GooGoo Dolls and more! Still today she offers FREE hints and tips to musicians and artists on how to market their music.


Pearl Davies loves people, all kinds of people. No matter what god you believe in, the color of your skin or what sort of relationship you may be in. Gay, straight, black or white, marriage is a civil right. We smile in the same language, we cry in the same language. Lets remove the stigma of racial, homophobic and ethnic boundaries.



Pearls volunteer efforts span from simply supporting causes she's passionate about, local fundraising events to collaborating with business partners, family, friends and even International organisations such as World Vision and the International Rotary Foundation.


Here are a few organisations Pearl Davies loves to support...

Totally! Free!


World Vision

Since the age of 18 Pearl has been sponsoring children through World Vision Australia. This began after an unknown great aunty handed down a one off payment to each of her great nieces and nephews prior to her passing. Pearl was bewildered knowing that a complete stranger, weather it be a relative or not, would hand out her hard earnt savings to another complete stranger. Instead of spending these funds on car stereos, guitars and video games (as some did) Pearl wanted to do something meaningful with those funds. It was then that Pearl started to research several not-for-profit organisations, looking at how many cents in every dollar went direct to the charity.


When coming across World Vision Pearl saw that only 7 cents in the dollar went towards admin fees and the rest went to the charity direct.  Pearl still recalls having to flick through the many images of children looking for sponsors. How could she choose? She closed her eyes and clicked the flick through button several times before randomly stopping and opening her eyes to one year old Rodrique Allaramadji. She signed up and before too long she received an information pack in the mail all about Rodrique, his family and his village located in Chad, Central Africa. Pearl wanted to thank her Great Aunty and let her know that her money was being put to good use, so Pearl wrote her a letter and copied all of the documentation sent to her about Rodrique, including a photo.


It was then that Pearl learnt that her great aunty was infact blind, so Pearl then sprayed the letter and documentation with her favorite perfume in the hope that someone would read her the letter and documentation, but that her Great Aunty would also have an ever lasting memory through one of her active senses, her sense of smell.


When learning a short time after she sent off her mail that her Great Aunt had passed away, today Pearl still wonders if she ever received her mail.Her first sponsor child, baby boy Rodrique (born 26 January 2000) lives in Chad. Officially the Republic of Chad, is a landlocked country in Central Africa. It is bordered by Libya to the north, Sudan to the east, the Central African Republic to the south, Cameroon and Nigeria to the southwest, and Niger to the west. Rodrique and his village were part of the Gueni River Area Development project in Chad. Rodrique lives in a rural area with his parents. His father is a peasant farmer and is dependent on seasonal rain for a livelihood. 


The World Vision project in Rodriques village went for over 13 years before tidying up and finishing the program. The village was then able to take care of themselves using the land and the skills brought to them by the education through World Vision. Pearl is so happy to have been able to contribute towards these efforts, no matter how small that contribution was.After the Gueni project was completed, instead of saying goodbye to World Vision Pearl decided to sponsor a second project with another needy community and child. Enter 5 year old Esther from Ethiopia, the 15th poorest country in the world. Pearl writes letters to Esther and in hope of meeting her one day, the same with Rodrique in Chad.


To date their are 5397 children that are in need of being sponsored through World Vision. From our neighbours in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, to Cambodia, Brasil, Haiti, Rwanda, South Africa - all corners of our world. For under $2 a day you too can sponsor a child. 

Leukaemia Foundation
Pearl Davies supports Worlds Greatest Shave

Cancer (All types of Cancer) touches us all. Raising funds and awareness is one way we can band together and help find a cure and get the appropriate support to those suffering the effects of different cancers, as well as their carers. Pearl Davies took part in The Worlds Greatest Shave. This was an amazing day at a local pub surrounded by copious amounts of friends and family. Raising just over $6,000 Pearl and friends were more then happy to support this great cause.


In the end, more volunteers stood up on the day in support and shaved too! They raffled off who was to cut off who's pony tail and just on the day they raised a little over $1,000. Way to go team!The below image consists of Pearls inspiration at the time:(L to R) Miss D, her brother fought many long hard years with Cancer, and had passed away the year prior, Miss J, who had Cancer but is now fully recovered (GO MISS J!), Pearl and last but not least Miss S, a sweet lady who was going through chemotherapy that very moment.


She was so ill, but dragged herself out of bed to be there for the shave. Miss S is now in remission.

Rotary International

Pearl documented the journey of 16 volunteers during 2012 and 2013 whilst over in Nondugl Papua New Guinea. Volunteers came from The USA, Norway, Germany and Australia.Installing water tanks, a new library, new medical equipment and teaching equipment are just some of the things the team got upto during their stay. Cementing school classroom floors normally made of river rocks and dirt the children of Nondugl Administration School now have classrooms with sturdy flooring and fresh painted walls.


Pearl was also stoked as to have been part of the delivery of five happy and healthy babies whilst over in Nondugl. Without having previous experience in childbirth Pearl was surprised at her (lack of) midwifery skills in assisting in child deliveries. Beside herself was Pearl, moments after she assisted in the delivery of the first baby girl for it to be named after her. Very humbling indeed. Whilst back home in Australia Pearl writes to baby girls mother along with several other friends she had made on her visits.

Pearls film and photography love, her writing and her passion to help make a difference is just one reason why she is a great candidate for this project. Her interest lies in documenting the processes of donated goods by ordinary people making such a huge difference to the people of Nondugl. 

Lennie the Libraian

Nondugl Administration School

During her stay in Papua New Guinea the team set up the Nondugl Public School Library. They had a lovely librarian named Bron come over as a volunteer from East Maitland Public School. The children at EMPS raised enough money to purchase 3,000 books for the library, so from going from 6 books in total it went to 6,003 books, and these young children did this by selling their own toys at the school carnival - kind of makes you melt doesn't it?

During the set up process (which you can imagine was HUGE) the team had a lot of local helpers. Helpers including 26 years old Lenni. Lenni helped so much Pearl and the team couldn't help but notice her determination and interest in the Library and in learning.It was then that Bron, the beautiful librarian, Belinda, another volunteer who is also a wonderful teacher at EMPS and Pearl Davies decided to fund Lenni's schooling year.


Nondugl children can't really afford schooling and need to drop out early. Bron, Belinda and Pearl are so excited to help out this little lady.Here Miss Lenni is below helping with the library set up. On departure Pearl handed over a few head scarves - because look, doesn't she look funky... 

St. Judes

Pearl and Earl Davies are now monthly financial supporters of the Saint Jude Children's Research Hospital.

St. Jude is leading the way the world understands, treats and defeats childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

The mission of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is to advance cures, and means of prevention, for pediatric catastrophic diseases through research and treatment. Consistent with the vision of our founder Danny Thomas, no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family's ability to pay.

Finding Cures. Saving Children.

Vintage Pinup & Boudoir Photography

Atomic Hideaway: A Retro Revival themed short stay accommodation

Newcastle New South Wales Australia

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Text 'Let's Do This' and your Name to 0423177516

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*We hate spam too so will only message you about cool opportunities...

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I've got you covered! We have weekly, fortnightly and monthly options available from 0.0% interest! 

Non-refundable retainer session fee of $499 that includes hair and makeup styling or $349 if you diy, come camera ready. You can opt to pay 50% of your session fee at time of booking and the remainder 50% within 30 days. All bookings include use of our limited client wardrobe.


You can pay in cash (which gives you a 3% cash discount), online via Paypal, I can send you an invoice for you to pay online via bank transfer, or take your card payment via stripe or square. 


Don't hesitate to contact me and ask me anything you want to know! Shoot me a message at smile(at) or fill in the form on my website here. I can't wait to hear from you!

Australia: Newcastle NSW 
M: +61 423 177 516


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Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5:30pm

Saturday - Sunday
By Appointment Only

Email Pearl today


Oh dang! © Pearl Davies Photography

We would like to begin by acknowledging the Awabakal people, Traditional Custodians of the land on which we reside on and pay our respects to their Elders past and present. We extend that respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We are an all-inclusive small business that endeavors to continually educate ourselves on how we can include and support marginalised communities, including persons of colour, the LGBTQIA and people with disabilities.

We do not and will not tolerate any form of bullying, harassment or criminal behavior under The Commonwealth Criminal Code, 1955. Division 474, subdivision C. Telecommunications Offences.


Pearl Davies is an Australian based photography studio for fashion, glamour, vintage pinup and boudoir, burlesque, music and commercial photography. Pearl Davies and her team have an any shape, any colour and any size motto for our clients and are proud ambassadors for the #effyourbeautystandards motto. We are an all female studio and so studio, on location and live photography.

Except as permitted by the copyright law applicable to you, you may not reproduce or communicate any of the content on this website, including files downloadable from this website, without the permission of the copyright owner. This site is monitored by Copysafe.


©1998  -  2025 Pearl Davies Vintage Pinup & Boudoir Photography

The Atomic Hideaway Short Stay 

Newcastle NSW Australia
Remi Retro Designs


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